St. Croix Curling Center History
Founded in 2018, SCCC is a 501 (c) 3 Minnesota registered nonprofit organization with a mission "to provide a safe and healthful, physical and social activity for persons of all ages and physical abilities through the sport of curling. Interest in Curling is strong following the 2018 US Olympic Gold Medal; however, the St. Croix Valley and the East Metro is without a dedicated curling facility and SCCC uses limited ice time at a local hockey, 50-year-old facility.
The goal is to demonstrate the local interest in establishing a dedicated facility for curling. It became apparent that cooperating with the Valley Recreation Center’s expansion plans would be the best way to efficiently and effectively serve the community and Recreation Center users.
The approximately 100,000+ square foot St. Croix Valley Recreation Center Expansion replaces an underutilized outdoor seasonal rink. The St. Croix Valley Recreation Center was first created in 1995, later expanded, and features two NHL sized ice arenas and a multi-purpose domed field house. A shared public restaurant/food service will be operated under contract by the City of Stillwater. It will serve curlers, hockey, figure skaters, dome users and all St. Croix Recreation Center visitors. The City of Stillwater plans to collaboratively manage the new expansion similar to the existing St. Croix Valley Recreation Center managing contract. A new curling advisory committee will advise on the curling facility operations, leagues, public learn to curl sessions, youth curling and accessible curling sessions. The Regional Curling facility will attract visitors from throughout Minnesota, the Region, Nationally and Internationally.